Sound Recording

We bring a high capacity, full-featured recording studio
to wherever the music is happening

Capacity is our strength


  • 512 CHANNELS 48K/24BIT

  • 256 Channels 96k/24bit

  • 128 Channels 192k/24bit

  • 64 Channels DSD and DXD Recording

Master and broadcast delivery available in Stereo, 5.1, ATMOS and anything in between.

We interface anywhere,
with anyone

  • DANTE INTERFACE AVAILABLE for large-scale FOH tie-ins

  • Headphone/cue system for monitoring and overdubs


  • Portable acoustics and isolation

Thrive with live music and filmed performances

  • visually sensitive microphone technology by Schoeps, DPA and Neumann set us apart on stage and film.

  • We provide hung microphone systems for concert halls, stadiums, theaters, churches and auditoriums.

Recording for Discerning Musicians
and Critical Audiophiles

acoustic music is performed in acoustic spaces,
and we believe that the truest, purest and
most musical reproduction is made in
a comfortable, quiet space, with
 carefully chosen and placed microphones,
using a thoughtfully designed signal path.

We monitor carefully through B&W loudspeakers and Sennheiser or Sony headphones

We use the best microphones from Schoeps, DPA, Sennheiser, Neumann and Sanken


We use microphone preamps and converters to suite the purpose: Millenia, API, Merging Technologies, Hardy, Grace, AEA, Lindell or Neve.

Venue Scouting and Tuning

the only way to make a high quality recording in a remote acoustic location is to know it in advance and study it.

we scout venues weeks or months ahead to evaluate the acoustic signature, ambient noise levels and general vibe.



the requirements for acoustic location recording, especially the sheer quietness, are unusual requirements for a venue, and are foreign to most facilities managers. 

we take very seriously the job of priming our record location with the ideal recording chemistry.

Sound Recording Team